Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Cancer Doesn’t Care

It hides in the dark recesses of your body and looks for holes in your immune system. Like the hotel burglar going down the hall looking for unlocked doors. Only you can’t control your immune system. You have the one you were born with. Some like my Grandfather Wattonville’s could ward off everything except an LA City bus. Some, like my Grandfather Gallup’s let him down at 49. It doesn’t care who you are or what kind of life you led. You can create technology that changes the world like Steve Jobs or you can be my best friends little sister Carol who has just decided to forgo further treatment. She has three months. 27 years ago it invaded my left kidney and was 1mm from killing me. Now it’s returned putting in an appearance on the roof of my mouth. My oncologist says it’s a very unusual case. The 1994 tumor was fully encapsulated. And the lesions on the roof of my mouth are the same cancer. I’m getting a good look at 27 years worth of medical advances and it’s pretty amazing stuff. I just hope they work as well as the surgery did in 1994.